Thursday, June 5, 2008

Multiple action

Alright, I have been up for 32 straight hours now, so piss off if you want a legible blog. Well, not to mention the fact that I have been drinking for the last 13 hours.

So, I think when I last posted I had recently lost $300 at roulette, well I lost another $300 and officially hated the game. So, I decided to go to the Rio in hopes to sit in a 2/5 PLO(pot limit omaha) game. I wait over an hour to get in a game, I really hate waiting when I can just jump on-line and play games at will. Anyways, suddenly I an up about $900 with the bulk of it coming from these two hands.

First hand I limp with with As 4s 6d 6h and the button who has straddled to give himself last action raises to $50. The guy who raises is obviously a well respected player by others who know him at the table so I take a shot to nail a big hand and hte flop is Ks 6s 4d. I nail the shit outta this flop with a set and nut spade draw. So, I check to the raiser, he bets about $60 and I raise to $150. The turn is a Kh giving me a full house so I check the action to him hoping he may in fact have AA and think he negated my bottom two pair. He bets $150 and I raise and take the pot down. I probably should just call but this guy is solid enough I am not sure I get any more money out of him. Not to mention if he hits trip Kings I do not want him drawing for cheap at 9 possible bigger full house outs.

The other hand occurs when I have Qh Th 9s 8h and the flop is Jh Td 6h. I get my money all in with 2nd touch, heart draw and straight draw vs Jd 9c 8d 6s and I river a heart to take the pot.

So, I am up about $900 and bleed back almost $500 of it when a 2/5 plo8 game is announced and a table opens. I am excited about this game as it really is the game I have the most comfort playing. So, the very first hand I get somewhat coolered when I flop nut low draw with top pair top kicker. The guy plays his hand so weird on the flop that we end up getting about $350 in preflop and the turn brings in a flush and I have to fold. He shows the stone cold nuts. He had flopped the 2nd nut low draw with nut flush draw against my top pair nut low draw. I am certainly a favourite in the hand but the turned flush kills my hand completely and I am forced to lay down right there.
In the same rotation I haveA3KhJh and the flop comes 338, I get all my money in on the turn vs A3 as well but he happens to backdoor the nut flush into my 2nd nut flush and boom I lose another $400 and am suddenly stuck in the game for about $800 when I just sat..........I am going to continue this blog when I wake up because I just want to sleep and am having trouble typing well.


Anonymous said...

hahha nice ending. :P

Unknown said...

Wake Up!!! I'm waiting to here the rest.