Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Sorry for the delay in a blog update but things have been a little hectic at times over the last number of days.

Friday night was a gong show. John and I went and played some rapid roulette, and then some craps. It was a long, long night of which the details don't need to appear in this blog. Neither of us were in any shape to make the Caesars tournament on Saturday and didn't do much all day long. We decided to head down to the Golden Nugget for a low stress relaxing evening tournament. The buy in was $225 and I expected we would get at least 40-50 people to play. Unfortunately, only 17 people signed up. Well, the play was laughable. We started with 6000 chips and by the first break I had over 30,000 in chips. I was hitting hands and hands were holding against these idiots. So, basically it would have been a huge collapse if I didn't win this thing. It took a few hours and play was more solid when I got to the other table but I ended up making a deal and getting more money than anyone as I had over half the chips in play. I cashed $1450, so split with John we each net $500.

Sunday, we went and played the binions $150 PLO8 tournament. It had a nice turnout of over 300 players but neither John and I were able to build chips and both exited around the same time nowhere near the money.

Monday, we headed to the Rio to try some satellites into the WSOP $1500 PLO8 event. We each played two $325 satellites that would award 3k in tournament buyins. Well, my first one lasted a total of 3 hands when I took a sickening river in a hand where I was a huge favorite to minimum take 3/4 of the pot. My opponent had about a 9% chance of scooping the entire pot. Sigh. The satellites were getting off the ground pretty quickly but the structure was just too volatile so we decided to cut our losses and get out and come back fresh the next day to play the WSOP event.

Tuesday, $1,500 WSOP PLO8 event. Well, this is about the biggest tournament that I look forward to on an annual basis. Sadly, the structure is quite bad. In a field of just over 700 players we lost over 200 players in the first two levels. This should tell something to the organizers that pot limit games need a bigger structure. The initial start is simply too volatile. Anyways, shortly into the tournament John walks over to my table and has already busted out. He took a sickening setup in the big blind. The flop comes K72 and John has KK in the big blind. Turn is a 7 and the money goes in with John having the nut full house. Well, one player had turned quad 7's and just like that John is done. Nothing anyone can do but take it there, just a sick setup.

I made it to the break with about 2k in chips bleeding down from the 3k starting chips after being quartered twice. My table was insane. Give me the chance to sit with this table in a cash game for 24 hours and I will do nothing but make money. We busted out 6 people in the first two levels, these guys were just insane. One clown built his stack to 12k playing every hand only to see it down to 5k within half a rotation. Anyways, my final hand I get AA3Q in the sb and raise pot. I get the bb calling and the complete maniac calls of course. The flop comes 56Q rainbow and I just push all-in. The big blind thinks for a bit and decides to call, super moron actually folds a hand for once. The opponent rolls over A3JT. I am so happy to see this, he has no pair, he has no draw for the high at present, and he has the same low draw that I do. So, unless something sick happens I should get a minimum of 3/4 of the pot. Well, turn is a 9 and I immediately think gross thoughts as he can now win the whole pot with a K, and boom there is the K on the river. Like, unbelievable, running perfect to end my tournament. It seems that any major tournament I look forward to has nothing but disappointment in the form of a sick beat. It is almost impossible to get your money in any better in PLo8 than I did and I get nothing.

Today, I decided I would go play the $500 PLO at the Venetian. I was chipping up well and had a pretty good line on my table when we get involved in the largest pot of the day preflop at the table. I flop the nut flush draw with open ended and decide to make a stab at the pot. This guy who I thought was pretty weak jams pot and this solid player thinks forever and calls. I decide I have enough outs here and think they are both on sets so if I hit I will be incredibly huge. Well, the bad player has an inferior flush draw and my A high is actually beating him, the other player had flopped bottom set. With a pot and repot before he acts I am surprised he called, but he did and the board pairs on the end making him a full house and he takes down a 42k pot when average is 15k. Oh well, I guess I didn't need to push my hand but equity wise it was the right call and if I win that pot I am in great shape to do some serious damage in the tournament.

I am seriously considering not playing much more live poker for the duration of my trip. I am getting pretty down with the whole ordeal and the frustration is leading to overall unhappiness. Not to mention the fact that for some reason my debit card has stopped functioning so I don't have easy access to cash at the moment. I am also waiting for Stars to wire transfer my money to my account. They "lost" my first request. Anyways, I think I am just going to be a loser and sit in my room and try to make money online for the next few days. It sucks because everyone from Winnipeg is now in town but I am just not in the mood for going out and partying or degenerate gambling. I would like to go out and have some fun, but fun just leads to dropping a sick amount of cash in this town and I really can't afford pissing away over 1k a day simply to wake up thinking why did I do that?

So, I guess there is really nothing on tap other than playing some on-line for the balance of the week. If anything interesting pops up I will let you all know.

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