Monday, June 9, 2008

Caeser's $235 NL Hold'em Megastack


Yeah, so you may have guessed already that things didn't end well with this tournament. I played my best tournament poker of the trip. Played for 10 hours, got into the money, get AA cracked by a cocky little prick, and net a whopping $43 on the tournament. This is by far the angriest I have left a live tournament in ages.

The final hand of my night plays out like this. I am in early position and look down at AA. This is the 2nd time I have had Aces in a little over a rotation and I have picked up blinds twice uncontested in that time which was huge at the current limits. The current limits were 1500//3000 with 400 antes so every rotation was costing 8500 if we were full ring. So, I have about 70,000 in chips, healthy but volatile like almost anyone in the tournament. I raise to 8k, a small raise with how much the antes provide but it has been adequate to take down blinds and I know I am getting at most one caller or one raiser anyways at current level. Everyone, folds to the big blind and he asks me how much I have. I tell him I started the hand with around 70k and he deliberates the call, says "well I hope you have none at the end of the hand" and calls. The flop comes Tc 5c 2d and he checks to me. I put in 12k, he announces all-in and I call before he is even done uttering the words. He rolls over Jc9c and I am immediately angry. I know there is no chance I ever fucking hold against a flush draw even though I am over a 2-1 fav holding the Ac in my hand. Turn teases me with a little 4h and boom the river of course is a 6c and I am done. The total pot was over 150,000 and would have put me as chip leader at my table, top 10 chips in the tournament with a tournament first prize worth $27,000. Instead, I finish 42ndish for a huge pay day of $278. I'd rather take a kick in the balls from a fucking mule than have it play out like that.

I played a great tournament, I do not look back on one bad decision in 10 hours. Then the little fuckhead who has the nerve to tell me that he hopes I have no chips by the end of the hand gets rewarded for playing like a clown. As they say there is certainly no justice in poker.

I don't really even have it in me right now to go through any other hands from the day. There were some interesting hands for sure but the only focus on my mind is hoping that little prick walks out in front of a taxi cab tonight and gets smoked.

I am a going to play the $235 O8 at Caesars tomorrow. I am going to hate the structure, it is going to frustrate the hell out of me, but I know the field is going to be so blatantly awful that I feel I have to play and if I can ever get a run of cards in the middle stages I could do some serious damage.

I have to say I am generally quite happy with my hold'em tournament poker right now. I really hope I see some rewards for my solid play. I thought today was going to be the day as it was actually the first day I had some legitimate timely starting hands. Not once over 10 hours did I get my money in losing. I never even put my chips in jeopardy in anything close to a race situation. sick sick sick sickness.

I promise the next blog entry regardless of the results will not be anywhere near as whiney as this one. Thanks for letting me vent whoever reads this.


chris said...

it seems like J9 has busted you twice in as many days. you need to play more J9... :)

Nonster said...

I sympathize with your situation. I am not callous enough to say "over the long run...or if he keeps playing like that..." because it just doesn't matter when you take a beat like that. We don't know each other, but i am a friend of your cousin, Curtis Krueger.
If you feel like you are playing well, don;t change your game because some donk pulls a Matusow and gets lucky!

Nonster said...

I guess my comment about Matusow might seem a little offside considering his Lowball win in event #18 yesterday. I posted it before i read that he won.LOL